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David Wilborn

June 12th, 2019 | 1 min read

By admin

David F. Wilborn (b. 1961) is Associate Professor of Music at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas where he teaches the low brass studio and coordinates small ensembles. He is the conductor of the Texas A&M University Trombone Choir and Chamber Winds. Wilborn studied composition with Donald Grantham, and trombone with Donald Knaub and John Marcellus. He holds the Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Texas at Austin, the Master of Music degree from the Eastman School of Music, and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Texas.

Wilborn has composed several significant works for brass instruments. His Excursions for Six Trombones was selected as the winner of the 2003 Allen E. Ostrander Trombone Choir Composition Prize; his brass quintet entitled Escapades was selected as one of the winning compositions at the Appalachian State 2004 Brass Chamber Music Festival Composition Contest; and his Three Movements for Brass Sextet won second place at the 2005 Humboldt Composition Contest for Brass Chamber Music. In February 2008, Wilborn performed the trombone solo part in a Carnegie Hall premiere of his Concertante Caprice for Bass Trombone and Wind Band with the Texas A&M University Wind Symphony. Music critic Rorianne Schrade of the New York Concert Review credited the music by stating: “(Wilborn) writes accessibly in the best sense of the word, with freshness and excitement.

Wilborn has served as a conductor, trombonist, lecturer, and clinician throughout the United States, Europe, and Puerto Rico. He is the author of numerous articles dealing with low brass and band pedagogy. His music has been performed throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. Wilborn's professional affiliations include the International Trombone Association, American Composer's Forum, College Music Society, National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors, Texas Music Educators Association, Texas Bandmasters Association, and American Society of Composers Authors, and Publishers.

