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Mark La Fratta

May 29th, 2019 | 1 min read

By admin

Mark J. La Fratta, together with Dr. Richard I Schwartz is preparing for Warwick Music modern editions of a series of arias from 18th century court composers in Vienna for voice with obbligato trombone (some alto and some tenor) and continuo. The arias are generally from the Viennese Sepoclro oratorios with biblical themes written to be performed in the Habsburg royal chapels during holy week each year in front of replicas of the Holy Sepulchre. There will also be some aria for voice, trombone and continuo from liturgical music from the same period in Vienna.

He is a 1978 graduate of the University of Notre Dame (B.A. in Government and International Studies) and 1981 graduate of the Marshall-Wythe School of Law of the College of William and Mary (Doctor of Laws). While at Notre Dame, he was one of three students with performing music scholarships, was named the Outstanding Bandsman and was featured euphonium soloist with the Notre Dame Concert Band on two ten day national tours.

