Warwick Music Publishing Composers

Mogens Andresen

Written by admin | May 21, 2019 11:00:00 PM

Mogens Andresen, Head of Brass at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen was born in 1945 and studied trombone in Copenhagen, London and Chicago.

He was bass trombonist in the Royal Danish Orchestra from 1974 to 1988 and was appointed a professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in 1988.

As Co-founder of Royal Danish Brass he has made many recordings and has toured in Europe, Japan and U.S.A. and also instructed and conducted a long line of brass ensembles at home and abroad. He also plays sackbut with Den Danske Violonbande.

He is a composer and arranger of music for brass, and the author of a trombone study book as well as books on the history of brass instruments .

Mogens Andresen is the father of Johannes Andresen.